Get ur 💩 together—Nutrition

Holy hell… where do I begin?

Look, nutrition is an incredibly personalized situation based on things like:

>your goals
>your genetics
>current disease state
>medications you may be taking
{deep breath}
>exercise regimen
>how much you move around during the day
>your individual resting metabolic rate
>cholesterol levels
>how picky you are
OK I’ll stop there.

With all that said…

There are certain things that can be done to improve the health of pretty much everyone no matter who you are or what your goals may be. And I’ll try to specify when a certain action or strategy does NOT make sense.

In my experience, I see progress towards sucking less at nutrition with these two things:

  1. Actions

  2. Challenges


Best places to start:

  • Track (then reduce) sugar consumption (cuz that sh*t’s in errythang)

  • Consciously reduce total carbohydrate intake (unless you’re trying to add muscle)

  • Don’t eat food after 8pm (wtf, why?)

==> For a more complete list, check out this article: How I suck less at nutrition (this article is COMING SOON-forgive me my friend)


Best challenge to start with:

==> For more challenges check out Nutrition Challenges