Get 👏 your 👏 sh*t 👏 together

I felt like an actual zombie stumbling through life but the challenges from Super Serious Health literally brought me back to life.” —Jesus H. Christ


How to start getting your 💩 together:

If you’re Super Serious about sucking less at health, here is what I would do:

1) First, establish your Most Days List (or just ignore me and jump ahead, whatevs)

2) Next, suck even less with the “stacking” process.

Pick a button below to start “stacking”!

Want more?

Here’s MY PERSONAL PROCESS for perpetually sucking less at health:

STEP 1: Establish your Most Days List (MDL)

STEP 2: “Stack” actions/behaviors on top of your MDL—do this by either:

  1. Adding a single action (e.g., today I’m gonna eat less than 100 g of carbs)

  2. Challenging yourself for a certain amount of time (e.g., do 100 push ups every other day for 2 weeks)

STEP 3: Re-establish/upgrade your MDL based on what you learn from step 2

STEP 4: Return to step 2 and repeat the process perpetually

==> I describe this process in more detail in the Suck Less At Being Healthy Framework (specifically Part 4)