Eat Like An Adult For 10 Days Challenge

The Premise:

For 10 days, your only job is to cut out food that is egregious.

So before you eat any food, ask yourself the following question: Would a 5 year-old boy be STOKED about eating this?

Why are you laughing? I’m super serious.

You MUST ask yourself that question. Ideally, out loud. Even in public.

In fact, if you are near a 5 year-old boy (or girl), I’m gonna go ahead and suggest you literally ask them if they would willingly eat the food in question.

If the answer is yes… PUT IT DOWN.


This “no-no” list is admittedly a little subjective, but my observation… and I could be wrong but I’m not wrong but I could be but I’m not… is that 5 year-old boys LOVE:

  1. Foods that the main ingredient is sugar (cookies, muffins, candy, MOST cereals)

  2. Crunchy things (chips and crackers)

  3. Fried foods… you know, otherwise harmless food that is then covered in flour and bread crumbs and scorched in rancid, boiling oil

Before you start…

  1. Take some time to think about all the childish things you ingest. If they are in your house currently, throw them out.

  2. If it helps, go ahead and write down a list of “can’t eat” items

  3. Take note of how you physically and mentally FEEL (and look if you want) before you begin so you can compare it to how you feel at the end of the 10 days

Is 10 days really a meaningful amount of time?


It will only be “no” if you learn nothing about yourself or your eating habits over that time.

It will be YES even if only ONE of the following things occur…

  • You prove to yourself you don’t “need” certain not-so-healthy foods

  • You feel a little better

  • You lose a couple lbs

  • You discover how many hidden sugars exist in unexpected things

  • If you realize how often you eat food because you have a craving disguised as hunger

  • You build a little mental discipline when you push through a mental wall (after about 3-5 days) when the 5 year-old kid on your shoulder is like “THE F*CK MAN…where are my oreos?

  • You discover you have more stable energy levels

  • You’re inspired to try it again in the future but go longer next time

  • If it results in an upgrade to your Most Days List

Want help with accountability?

Text me at 713-899-1179 and say “I’m acting like an adult for 10 days!”

You’ll get check-ins, tips, and motivation which will all increase the likelihood that you’re lazy ass will actually follow through on this. 👀

Submit your email below for a helpful PDF with:

1) Tips and advice
2) A know before you start document
3) A ready-to-go tracking document that tracks your progress