In part 4 of the Suck Less at Being Healthy Framework, I mentioned the Most Days List. (You should totes read the whole series if you haven’t.)

What the hell is a “Most Days List”?

Basically, the Most Days List (MDL) is the list of health related actions/behaviors/tactics you implement on most days.

What you'll do (or not do) at least 51% of the time.

It’s your baseline.

Your safety net.

Your filter for recognizing, “holy sh*t, I’m being a total slob right now.

Do I really need to like officially establish this and stuff? Can’t I just do it?

Sure, but like, you won’t though.

Why? ==> Because we’re all filthy liars

I find that I, and most others, THINK they are doing better than they are.

I’m all like, “yeah, I rarely eat french fries”…

…but then I think about how I can’t remember the last time my kids finished all their waffle fries from Chick-Fil-A and I also can’t remember the last time I DIDN’T finish off their leftover waffle fries.

I find that the probability that I’ll stick to a baseline of sucking less (i.e., the things on my MDL) increases exponentially with each of the following iterations:

  1. Establishing my MDL

  2. Writing it down

  3. Tracking whether I’m adhering to it on most days (like, yes or no)


In part 3 of the Suck Less Framework, I laid out the 4 pillars of health I consider most under our control

  1. Exercise

  2. Nutrition

  3. Sleep

  4. Stress Management

So an example of doing this would be something as simple as this:

MDL tracker example.jpeg

Some final thoughts on your MDL

Start easy—your first MDL you establish should be “easy” (don’t kid yourself)

Add to it when… it becomes too easy and you’re hitting it about 75% of the time (or say 5 of 7 days)

Helps keep your mental sanity—Days that aren’t going swimmingly (e.g., miss your workout) will allow you to still #win as long as you stick to your MDL

Do more on your good days (see part 4 of the Suck Less framework)—Try to stack actions and/or do personal challenges


Want help establishing your MDL?