
 Move a Mile Challenge

What is this?

  1. Pick a route that is exactly 1 mile outdoors (can also be done on a treadmill)

  2. Walk, jog, or run and time how long it takes you.

  3. Do this 3 times a week for 4 weeks.

  4. Accept compliments from your mom about your newfound cardio fitness

Wait… But Why?

Is there anything more simple that just moving for a mile?

Nope. Literally nothing.

But Trav-


I love this challenge because it’s i) easy to track ii) takes very little time, and iii) progress is nearly guaranteed.

TIP: Start slow as shit.

I’m serious. Like barely move.

Then, next time, go a LITTLE faster.

Do NOT… listen to me… do NOT try to increase your pace above a comfortable threshold until you get to week 3 or so.

You gotta be careful with cardio. It’s a mental game. If you go too hard you will hate it and quit.

Combat your weak-ass brain chemicals that will convince you to stop by making the slightest increases in pace from one session to the next.

Thank me later.

How do I track this?

Easiest way is on your “notes” app on your phone.

For example, just type…
12/15/19 - 12:54
-12/17/19 - 11:51
-12/21/19 - 11:16

Want help?

Text me at 713-899-1179 and say “I’m doing Move A Mile!”

You’ll get check-ins, tips, and motivation which will all increase the likelihood that your lazy ass will actually follow through on this. 👀

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